OSFM Office Opens Defensible Space Assessment Program

Oregon State Fire Marshal: Defensible Space Assessment Incentive Reimbursement Pilot Program Guidelines
Creating defensible space — reducing or eliminating the things around a home and property that can catch fire — enhances community resilience and protects against wildfire damage. The Oregon State Fire Marshal’s Defensible Space Assessment Incentive Reimbursement Pilot Program provides eligible participants in selected high-wildfire hazard and socially vulnerable communities with $250 to help offset defensible space improvement costs. This program incentivizes proactive wildfire prevention and empowers Oregonians to create defensible space around their homes and properties, supported by limited, one-time funding.
Community Selection Criteria
The program incentivizes 50 Oregon communities identified as having the highest fire exposure risk. The selection is based on a comprehensive analysis, incorporating data from the Social Vulnerability Index by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the 2018 Pyrologix report.
The $250 funding level was determined based on the national volunteer wage of $31/hour, reimbursing participants for about eight hours of defensible space work.
Participant Eligibility

  • Participants must live in a selected high-hazard community.
  • Homeowners, renters, and property owners are eligible.
  • Participants must request and receive a defensible space assessment by members of the fire service or OSFM personnel.
  • To qualify for the incentive, participants must have at least two areas of improvement as identified on the OSFM’s defensible space assessment checklist, including:
  • Flammable vegetation is removed from growing directly under the eaves - the edge of a roof that sticks out or hangs over the building's side. A minimum of five feet from the structure is recommended.
  • Leaves, conifer needles, deadwood, bark mulch, and other debris are removed from the surface of, around, and below decks and fences.
  • Trees spaced and pruned following the example, see link 1 down below. Trim trees, shrubs, or bushes by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems.
  • Leaves, conifer needles, deadwood, bark mulch, and other debris are removed from within 100 feet of the structure or to the property line.
  • Fire-resistive plants are spaced within the designated defensible space area. Grass is mowed to less than four inches.
  • Firewood piles and lumber are at least 30 feet from any structure.
  • Combustible vegetation is 10 feet away from permanent propane tanks.
  • Participants that qualify must opt-in to receive the $250 incentive payment.

Eligible Communities:

  1. Warm Springs
  2. Culver
  3. Canyonville
  4. Halfway
  5. Chenoweth
  6. Chiloquin
  7. Mount Hood
  8. Gold Hill
  9. Williams
  10. La Pine
  11. Trail
  12. Cave Junction
  13. Glendale
  14. Ontario
  15. Terrebonne
  16. Tutuilla
  17. Talent
  18. Merlin
  19. Madras
  20. Days Creek
  21. John Day
  22. Redmond
  23. Riddle
  24. The Dalles
  25. Mosier
  26. Parkdale
  27. Vale
  28. Mission
  29. Elgin
  30. Metolius
  31. Hermiston
  32. White City
  33. Burns
  34. Bonanza
  35. Canyon City
  36. Prineville
  37. Tri-City
  38. Irrigon
  39. New Hope
  40. Gopher Flats
  41. Boardman
  42. Odell
  43. Grants Pass
  44. Bute Falls
  45. Rogue River
  46. Cottage Grove
  47. Central Point
  48. La Grande
  49. Phoenix
  50. Fossil

Defensible Space Assessment

  • Participants can request a free defensible space assessment, please see link 2 down below.
  • The assessment will be conducted by a trained professional to evaluate the property's vulnerability to wildfires and provide recommendations for creating or improving defensible space.

Incentive Payment

  • Upon completion of the defensible space assessment, eligible participants will receive a $250 Visa prepaid gift card by mail from the OSFM. Please allow up to eight weeks for the gift card to arrive by mail.
  • The $250 Visa prepaid gift card is intended to encourage residents to implement the recommendations received during the assessment to enhance the defensibility of their properties.

Effective Date
This program will be effective on March 11, 2024.
Program Administration
The incentive payment program will be administered by the Oregon State Fire Marshal. Local fire agency personnel will collaborate in certain areas by providing participants with free defensible space assessments.
Funding Allocation
Program funds were made possible by Senate Bill 762.
Public Awareness and Outreach
The Oregon State Fire Marshal will conduct a public awareness campaign to inform Oregonians about the program and encourage participation.
The OSFM Defensible Space Assessment Incentive Reimbursement Program is a crucial step toward building a more resilient community in the face of increasing wildfire risks. By empowering Oregonians to take proactive measures, we will reduce the impact of wildfires on lives, property, and the environment.
This press release was provided by the Oregon State Fire Marshal.
Link 1: https://www.oregon.gov/osfm/Documents/OSFMDefensibleSpaceAssessmentTool.pdf
Link 2: http://www.oregondefensiblespace.org/

Additional Documents:
Press Release - OSFM - Dedensible Space Program