Somos Talent

Somos Talent

The City of Talent is excited to announce outreach to our Latinx community via our dedicated Spanish language website and social media. If you or a resident of Talent would like their city news in Spanish, please let them know about the following online and print options.


To access City news, updates, bulletins or press releases in Spanish, the City of Talent has developed a Spanish centric website for our community. To learn more, follow the link below.

Social Media

Do you prefer to access city news via social media on your mobile device? No problemo, we got you covered! 

Print / Magazine

Did you know the Southern Oregon has a Spanish language periodical that is published monthly and available throughout the region? The City of Talent and Revista Caminos magazine have partnered together to in collaboration to include a monthly column that aims to inform the Spanish speaking community of Talent. To learn more, follow the link below. 

Our Spanish language outreach is managed by our City Recorder Lucero Martinez (